Saturday, May 13, 2017

Testing distribution on SourceForge and Bintray (Linux)

I have placed on SourceForge Download mki3dgame  the compiled binary  executable for linux-amd64 of mki3dgame version 1.0 (now updated to version 1.1, with a version for windows_amd64 added)

Now I have placed my first AppImage of the Linux version of the game.
AppImage bundles the executable program with its data (game assets).
You can find more informations about AppImage on the following pages:

All you have to do is to download the file, change its mode to executable:

$ chmod a+x mki3dgame-x86_64.AppImage

and just run it:

$ ./mki3dgame-x86_64.AppImage 

(If you do not care for text messages printed in the terminal, then you can also start the application by clicking on the executable file in a file manager.)

Download mki3dgame

Also available on Bintray  :

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tip: You Can Use Text-Areas and Text Repositories

With the use of text areas, you can distribute your simple designs directly from the browser to browsers (even without using files on local machine). You can use public text repositories. Here is some data copy-pasted to a Gist with a comment how to load it:

 If successful, you should see something like that:

As another example, you may use the same copy-pasting of raw text files to view the shapes from mki3dgame assets in the following GitHub directories:

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Packages for Go programming language and a Game in Go

I have prepared Go packages in the repository that can be used to load  the data produced by MKI3D and display with go-gl tools for OpenGL with Golang.

 As a working example you can find a simple game mki3dgame in .
To run the game you need to have installed  Go language and the packages:

  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""

In the game you have to collect tokens randomly scattered in the stages while avoiding the monsters (they can capture you).
You can design your own stages, monsters, and tokens in MKI3D and place them in respective sub-directories of the assets directory.
 Here is a short screen-cast on YouTube: