Thursday, February 23, 2017

Display mode.

Display mode.

In the standard (editing) mode you are forced to see the cursor and the upper message on the displayed view:

  Now you can remove the cursor and the upper message from the canvas by pressing the 'D' key:

This is useful if you want to save the current view into image file. You can take a screen-shot or - if you run mki3d in the web-browser - you can save graphics on the right-mouse-button pop-up menu. 
(I have implemented this feature, because I wanted to make some stereoscopic views that don't look like the cursor's selfie ;-)

Pressing any key resumes standard display mode for further editing.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Red-blue stereoscopic mode.

Red-blue stereoscopic mode.

Stereoscopic mode visible with red-blue glasses has been added to mki3d. You can toggle stereo/mono mode by pressing the sequence of keys: 'QVS'  (i.e. the 'S' option on the 'View' submenu).
Parameters of the stereoscopic display, such as intensities of the red and blue components and "eye shift"  (half of the  distance between the eyes) can be fine-tuned on the Inputs Page ('QI').

Here you can find some stereo more screen-shots.