Tutorial Post 9: Action Modes.
Action mode specifies the actions of 'B', 'V', 'F' and arrows keys. The default action mode is rotation:
In this mode, pressing one of 'B', 'V', 'F' and arrows keys rotates the model in selected direction around its focus point, which is, usually, the current cursor position.
To move the cursor you heave to select cursor mode:
This mode is selected when the Shift key is pressed down. When you release the Shift key, the rotation mode is restored. While you are cursor in the cursor mode, the current position of the cursor is being displayed:
(The simplest way to see the current cursor position is to press the Shift key. Note that after releasing the Shift you will have rotation mode.)
There are also action modes for moving, 90-degrees rotations, and mirroring of the selected endpoints. You can set these modes on the action modes menu which is invoked by pressing the 'A' key:
If you accidentally enter such "selected endpoints mode" while there are no selected endpoints, you may have impression that the application is not responding:
Just press and release Shift key to escape back to rotation mode.