Friday, November 11, 2016

Export to COLLADA.

Export to COLLADA.

I have added export to COLLADA ( *.dae files).

This should be useful if you want further process your rapidly designed models in some more advanced programs.

In current version, lines and triangles with vertex colors and ambient and directional lights are exported.

I have only tested it under Blender (version: 2.78) downloaded from .

After importing to an empty scene in Blender, all the exported elements are under the node 'Root_node_MKI3D':

Blender imports only the colors of triangle vertices:

To have the colors of the triangles in the rendering add new material to Triangles_node_MKI3D:

And then enable option 'Vertex Color Paint':

To see the lines in the rendering, you have to add 'Wire' material to Lines_node_MKI3D:

Then you can render your exported scene:

You should see what you have exported: